lördag 9 april 2011

Här är saknade bilder

I Guds namn, barmhärtigaste, snällaste,

Jag tycker mycket om Jesus ( fred vare med honom och hans sällskap). Detta beror inte att driva med talibaner, tro mig?  Men för att påminna att Han var också profet för muslimerna, men man tar sällan upp Honom och berättar inte vad Han har sagt och gjort i taliban härskande område. Annars jag hade tagit upp vad David, Salomo, Job...  har sagt eller sådant. 

Jag gillar särskild Hans förklaring: "alla människor tillhör samma kropp".  Det finns en vacker dikt om detta på persiska men eftersom man har tryckt dikten på en iransk sedel men ”texten” är förvrängd och bara ”lite” då jag avstår från att skriva om det, för nu jag vet inte heller hur dikten lyder. Men huvudsaken är att den som har skrivit dikten kunde Testamentet. 

Ja, Han är så snäll att säger så men handlar också, Han förlåter sina lärjungar som i stundens tid förnekar Honom eller de som skadar Hans "Kropp". Jag gillar Hans yttrande också: ”Jag är vinet och köttet”.  Som jag tolkar detta menar Han med det att om Du blir så arg tänk inte på revansch, bli inte törstig, blodtörstig - dirk mitt vin, ätt mitt kött för alla tillhör samma kropp. Och jag tror inte någon ska göra det, för Hämnden tillhör Gud.  Jag kan tolka det på ett annat sett, för det Hans säger är det som Gud har lärt Honom enligt Koran ( och för att Gudomliga ord strålar i alla färger) : mina ord ger näring till hela "Kroppen", dryck och ätt och njut!  

Men, oh, ohhhhhh om Han som är så snäll och kärleksfull sjunger detta: ”ve på fariséerna och skrif-lärda då jag vill inte ens veta hur ”ve” kommer att se ut då det händer. Oh, oh, ohhhh,  jag vill inte ens fantisera om ”ve”.  Jag har bestämt mig att lyssna på ett högljudd Rammstein med mina hörlurar och titta på alla Aliens filmer, i början. 


Prokommunistisk shiitisk islam

Prokommunistisk shiitisk "heder":  löftena , förpliktelserna ... 


Comrade Lenin Sweeps the Globe Clean, 1920
Mikhail Cheremnykh and Victor Deni

LENIN FRÄLSAR FOLKET.  Målning av I Viera från 1969.
 Bilden illustrerar dekretet från 1997 om att all jordbruksmark ska övergå i Bond Kommittéernas ägo..


Detta stycke borde finnas i min bok del 3 , men jag glömde bort, jag tror att det berodde på att  jag var lite arg då, men man vet aldrig:
ur :
Hafez al-Assad (Arabicحافظ الأسد‎ Ḥāfiẓ al-Asad, 6 October 1930 – 10 June 2000) was the president of Syria for three decades. Assad's rule was praised for consolidating the power of the central government after decades of coups and counter-coups. He also drew criticism for repressing his own people, in particular for ordering the Hama massacre of 1982, which has been described as "the single deadliest act by any Arab government against its own people in the modern Middle East". Human Rights groups have detailed thousands of extra-judicial executions he committed against opponents of his regime.  He was succeeded by his son, current president Bashar al-Assad, in 2000. 
( Och jag som trodde att att i ett icke shiitisk men prokommunistisk land  ledaren väljs av sovjet inte av folket och inte som konunga-arv 

.... In 1957, he was sent for additional training in theSoviet Union.  (Hmmm! fick han lära sig hur man gör kupp?) 
While stationed in Cairo, he developed a pan-Arab ideology and came to believe that the U.A.R. concentrated too much power in the hands of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Assad was then assigned to a post in rural Egypt away from political activity. ....

From 1961 to 1963 he worked at the Ministry of Sea Transportation while focusing on Ba'ath Party political activities. Assad and others planned the 1963 coup d'état, which took the Ba'ath Party to power. Following the coup, Assad returned to the Air Force in the rank of major. Syria was officially ruled by Amin Hafiz, a Sunni Muslim, but was in practice dominated by young Alawite Ba'athists.....
The following year, 1964, Assad jumped several ranks to become a general and was appointed to the Ba'ath Party's regional command. The following year, he became Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. This military power allowed Assad, operating in conjunction with Salah Jadid, to overthrow the government of Amin Hafiz in 1966....
In 1966, the Ba'ath launched a coup d'etat within the government and cleared the other parties from the government. Assad became Minister of Defence and wielded considerable influence over government policy. However, there was tension between the dominant radical wing of the Ba'ath Party, which promoted an aggressive foreign policy and rapid social reform, and Assad's more pragmatic, military-based faction. After being discredited by the failure of the Syrian military in the Six-Day War in 1967, and enraged by the aborted Syrian intervention in the Jordanian-Palestinian Black September war, the government faced conflict within its ranks. By the time President Nureddin al-Atassi and the de facto leader, deputy secretary general of the Ba'ath Party Salah Jadid, realized the threat and ordered Assad and Tlass be stripped of all party and government power, it was too late. Assad swiftly launched a bloodless intra-party coup, the Corrective Revolution of 1970. The party was purged, Atassi and Jadid jailed, and Assad loyalists installed in key posts throughout the government.

Al-Assad inherited a dictatorial government shaped by years of unstable military rule that was organized along one-party lines after the Ba'athist coup. He increased repression, operating a vast web of police informers and agents. He became the object of a state-sponsored cult of personality, which depicted him as a wise, just, and strong leader of Syria and of the Arab world in general. 

The government of al-Assad initially achieved some popularity for bringing stability to the country, which had experienced dozens of attempted coups since 1948. He also implemented many social reforms and infrastructure projects, such as the Thawra (Revolution) dam on the Euphrates River. It was built with Soviet assistance, and still supplies much of Syria's electricity. Public schooling and other reforms were extended to larger segments of the population, and a rise in living standards occurred. The government's secularism meant that many members of religious minorities, such as the AlawitesDruze, and Christians, supported Assad, fearing a return to historic persecution under a Sunni Islamist successor government to Assad.  Assad continued previous Ba'ath policies by overseeing massive increases in Syria's military strength (again with Soviet support) and by maintaining a strong Arab nationalist position. School curricula and the state-controlled media gave much attention to the glorious past of Syria and the Arabs, and portrayed al-Assad's government as the lone uncorrupted champion of the Arab nation against Western imperialism and aggression. This propaganda aimed to legitimize the government, but also to unify the diverse and fractured Syrian society, and instill a sense of national pride among the populace. Assad showed a great interest in supporting academic excellence and education. In 1983, he met and rewarded Kefah Mokbel who achieved 100% score in the national Baccalaureate examination for the first time in the history of the country.
In 1985-2000, Assad's administration failed to arrest the 90 per cent fall in the worth of the Syrian Pound from an exchange rate of 3 per US dollar to 47 to the US Dollar.....  . It took Syrian intelligence a long time to penetrate the Muslim Brotherhood and diminish its power. In February 1982, Assad ordered the Syrian army to bombard the town of Hama in order to quell a revolt by the Muslim Brotherhood. In what became known as the Hama massacre, an estimated 17,000 to 40,000 people were killed, including about 1,000 soldiers..... .  

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